Corporate Grouping of Listed Companies by BSE

The BSE is maintaining a repository containing names of companies forming a part of each Indian corporate group.  The said list of corporate groups is available in the file uploaded on the website of the Exchange on below path:

BSE India Website> Corporates > Compliance and Other information> Corporate and Other info > Corporate Group Repository.

For identifying the corporate group, following criteria / parameters shall, inter alia, be considered by the listed companies / proposed to be listed companies – 

  1. A company and all its subsidiary companies will have the same ownership group. A company is said to be a subsidiary of another company when majority shares (50% or more) are held by the other company in the said company.
  2. All associate companies of a company also belong to the same group. A company is said to be an associate of another company when shares in the range of 20 to 50 per cent are held by the other company in the said company.
  3. If the annual report of the company specifically attributes itself to a group.
  4. If the annual report of a company does not specify its affiliation with an ownership group but the website of the company does, then ownership is determined using the website as the primary source.
  5. Sometimes the parent company of a group might list all its affiliates on its website, this information is also required to be used as a reference for determining the ownership group of a company.
  6. Related party relationships as disclosed in the Annual report are also to be checked for determining the ownership group of an entity.
  7. In case of a company that serves as a joint venture between an Indian group and a foreign group, it is attributed to the Indian group to the company.
  8. If a promoter / promoter group of a company is also a major shareholder of another company, then that another company is considered as part of the same group. For example, if P-1 is promoter / promoter group of company C-1 and if P-1 is a major shareholder of another company — C-2, then C-2 is part of the same group as C-1.


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