The Government of Puducherry in its gazette notification dated 30th June 2020 has notified draft Puducherry Child and Labour (prohibition and Regulation) (Amendment) Rules, 2020, inviting objections and suggestion from public within 45days from the date of this notification.
Under the draft a new Rule 2A has been inserted which deals with the definitions under the Act, which states, “The State Government to ensure that the children and adolescents are not employed or permitted to work in any occupation or process in contravention to the provisions of the Act, through appropriate measures and to arrange public awareness to make the general public, aware about the provisions of the Act”.
Further, the adolescent shall not be permitted to work in any establishment in excess of such number of hours for work as is permissible under the law for the time being in force regulating the hours of work of the adolescents in such establishments and shall not perform any task during school hours and between 7.PM to 8.PM.
Click here to read the notification.