Implementation Of End-of-Life Vehicles Rules, 2025

The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) has notified the Environment Protection (End-of-Life Vehicles) Rules, 2025, effective January 6, 2025. These rules establish a framework for the environmentally sound management of vehicles at the end of their lifespan, based on the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). A press release on the implementation of these rules was issued on February 3, 2025.

Key Features of the Rules

EPR for Producers

Vehicle producers are mandated to meet annual targets for scrapping end-of-life vehicles, covering both transport vehicles (15 years old) and non-transport vehicles (20 years old) introduced into the domestic market. This includes vehicles used by the producers themselves.

Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facilities (RVSFs)

RVSFs are authorized to receive end-of-life vehicles for scrapping. They are responsible for treatment, depollution, dismantling, segregation, and scrapping activities. Recovered materials must be sent to registered recyclers or refurbishers. Non-recyclable and hazardous materials must be sent to authorized hazardous waste treatment facilities.

Designated Collection Centers

Producers are required to establish designated collection centers for end-of-life vehicles. These centers must handle vehicles in an environmentally sound manner before sending them to RVSFs.

Vehicle Owner Responsibility

Registered vehicle owners or bulk consumers must deposit end-of-life vehicles at a designated sales outlet, collection center, or RVSF within 180 days of the vehicle reaching its end of life.

Monitoring and Enforcement

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) oversees producers, while State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) oversee RVSFs and bulk consumers. Both CPCB and SPCBs can conduct inspections and audits and take action against violations, including suspending or canceling registrations. Non-compliance can lead to environmental compensation penalties.

Online Reporting

Producers, bulk consumers, and RVSFs are required to file returns on a centralized online portal.

Synergy with Existing Policies and Initiatives

The new rules complement existing initiatives by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH):

  1. Vehicle Scrapping Policy: This policy aims to phase out older, unfit, and polluting vehicles based on fitness criteria. As of January 2025, 84 RVSFs are operational under this policy.
  2. Motor Vehicles Rules: These rules govern the registration and functioning of RVSFs, vehicle scrapping procedures, and provide for concessions in registration fees and motor vehicle tax for those who scrap their old vehicles.
  3. Promotion of Electric Vehicles: MoRTH has implemented various measures to promote electric vehicles, including permit exemptions, fee waivers, and dedicated registration markings.
  4. PM E-DRIVE Scheme: The Ministry of Heavy Industries’ PM E-DRIVE scheme provides incentives for electric vehicle adoption.

Overall Goal

These rules and supporting policies aim to create a robust ecosystem for managing end-of-life vehicles in an environmentally responsible way. This includes minimizing pollution, promoting recycling and reuse of materials, and encouraging the transition to cleaner vehicle technologies. The combined efforts of MoEF&CC and MoRTH are geared towards achieving a circular economy in the automotive sector and reducing the environmental footprint of transportation.

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