Labour Department of Gujarat issues Draft Gujarat Boilers (Second Amendment) Rules, 2020.

The Labour and employment department of Gujarat vide its notification dated 9th December 2020 has issued Draft Gujarat Boilers (second amendment) Rules, 2020 by further amending the Boilers Act, 1923.

The department has invited objections or suggestions from the public which may be addressed to the Labour Department of Gujarat, Sachivalaya, Gandhinagar on or before the expiry of 30 days from the date of publication of the Gazette.

Through this amendment Rule, 38 which deals with the grant of the duplicate certificate and Rule 45, which specifies the fees for the duplicate certificate has been deleted.


National Awards for e-Governance

The government has announced Scheme for National Awards for e-Governance 2025. The registration and submission of nominations under the National Awards for e-Governance 2025 was

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