In response to the escalating heat wave, the Government of Tamil Nadu has issued a crucial memorandum outlining preventive measures aimed at protecting the welfare of building and other construction workers (BOCW). These directives serve as a comprehensive framework to ensure the well-being of workers amidst challenging environmental conditions. With a focus on proactive measures, the memorandum underscores the importance of timely action to mitigate the adverse effects of extreme heat on construction personnel. By prioritizing the health and safety of workers, the government underscores its commitment to upholding labor standards and fostering a conducive working environment in the construction sector. This notification was published on 09/05/2024.
Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Second Amendment Rules, 2024
The amendment provides that a foreign national or non-resident Indian shall be permitted to provide self-declaration of securities lost or misplaced or stolen which shall