The Commission for Air Quality Management Revokes Actions under Stage III of GRAP in Delhi

The Sub-Committee for operationalization of the revised Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) in its meeting held on 7th December, 2022, further reviewed the air quality scenario in the Delhi. It also reviewed the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) /  Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) forecasts for meteorological conditions and air quality index of Delhi as follows:

  1. Air Quality Index (AQl) of Delhi has been progressively improving from the levels of 4O7 (Severe) on 04.12.2022 to 347 on 05. 12.2022
  2. AIQ was detected to be 353 on 06.12.2022 and has been recorded as 304 (Very Poor) on 07.12.2022
  3. The level detected on 7.12.2022 is about 100 AQI points below the threshold for invoking the GRAP Stage-III actions

As a result of this, the Sub- Committee has revoked, with immediate effect, its order dated 4th December, 2022. This order had invoked actions under Stage-III (Severe Air Quality) of the GRAP. The order had been invoked because of significant deterioration in the average Air quality of Delhi.

Presently, actions under Stages-I to stage-ll of the GRAP shall remain invoked and be implemented, monitored and reviewed by all agencies concerned in the entire NCR to ensure that the AQI levels do not slip further to the ‘severe’ category. All implementing agencies shall keep strict vigil and implement the following:

1. Intensifying the frequency of mechanized / vacuum-based sweeping of roads.

2. Daily water sprinkling along with use of dust suppressants, before peak traffic hours, on roads and right of ways. This includes hotspots, heavy traffic corridors and proper disposal of the collected dust in designated sites/ landfills.

3. Regular inspection and strict enforcement of dust control measures at Constructions and Demolition (c&D) sites and enforcement of direction on use of Anti- smog guns.

4. Do not allow coal / firewood including in Tandoors in Hotels,Restaurants and open eateries.

5. Ensure hotels, restaurants and open eateries use only electricity/ clean fuel gas-based appliances

6. Enhance parking fees to discourage private transport

7. Regulated use of DG sets except for the emergent and essential services.

8. C & D project sites and industrial units which have been issued specific closure orders on account of violations/ non-compliances of various statutory directions/ rules, guidelines etc. under no circumstances shall resume their operations without any specific order to this effect from the commission.


National Awards for e-Governance

The government has announced Scheme for National Awards for e-Governance 2025. The registration and submission of nominations under the National Awards for e-Governance 2025 was

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