Kerala Pollution Board Updates Industry Categorization for Consent Applications

The update adds 309 new industries to the categorization list, including Gamma Sterilization Units (White category) and Automobile workshops with limited horsepower (Green category, with specific pollution control requirements). Based on industry feedback and a pollution monitoring study, the PCB has reclassified gate and grill manufacturing units.

Government Introduces New Coastal Shipping Bill to Boost Maritime Trade

The bill seeks to address various challenges faced by the sector and create a more conducive environment for maritime trade. The bill introduces a licensing regime for vessels engaged in coasting trade, including foreign-flagged non-propelled vessels like mobile offshore drilling units and accommodation barges. A central database will be created to track information on coasting trade, including vessel movements, cargo details, and licensing information.

PM-eDRIVE Scheme Revised For Registered E-3 Wheelers L5

The maximum number of vehicles to be supported through incentives/ grant will be 80,546 for Vehicles registered on Vahan portal from 1st April 2024 to 7th November 2024 and 1,24,846 for vehicles registered on Vahan portal from 8 November 2024 to 31st March 2026. Furthermore, the outlay under EMPS-2024 is subsumed within the outlay under PM E-DRIVE.

Radar Equipment for measurement of speed of vehicles being included under Legal Metrology (General) Rules, 2011

The rules will enhance accuracy, reliability, and standardization in traffic speed measurement, ensuring compliance with Legal Metrology Rules. These Rules are applicable to microwave Doppler radar equipment for the measurement of traffic speed on roads, which in brief are called “radar”. The Rules provides that all such equipment shall be verified and stamped to ensure their correctness for the protection of human beings.

New Rules for Radar Speed Guns to Ensure Accurate Speed Measurements

The Legal Metrology Division of the Department of Consumer Affairs has decided to include radar speed guns under the Legal Metrology (General) Rules, 2011. These rules aim to ensure the accuracy and reliability of speed measurement devices, leading to more effective traffic enforcement. A press release on this decision was issued on November 20, 2024.