Conclave in Hyderabad Focuses on Pandemic Preparedness and Animal Vaccine Innovation

Prof. Dr. Vinod K Paul, Member-Health, NITI Aayog, inaugurated the conclave and emphasized the critical need to bolster veterinary infrastructure to effectively combat future pandemics. The Secretary, Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying, called for increased investment in animal health to improve productivity and enhance supply chain and cold chain systems for effective last-mile delivery of vaccines. The Animal Husbandry Commissioner, stressed the importance of ensuring vaccine security and pre-qualification for animal vaccines.

33rd Conference of WOAH Regional Commission for Asia and the Pacific

The inaugural session of the 33rd Conference of the WOAH Regional Commission for Asia and the Pacific at New Delhi. The Government of India has started the Implementation of livestock health and disease control programme using One Health Approach. On the other hand, Government of India has implemented disease control programme for FMD and Brucellosis, PPR and classical swine fever through carpet vaccination of all eligible livestock in  the country.