ESIC relaxes the eligibility condition under ESIC COVID-19 Relief Scheme.

The deceased Insured Person must have been in employment on the date of diagnosis of COVID19 disease and contributions for at least 35 days should have been paid or payable in respect of him / her during a period of maximum one year immediately preceding the diagnosis of COVID-19 disease resulting in death.

SEBI issues circular on Audit Committee of Asset Management Companies.

The Audit Committee of the AMC shall be responsible for oversight of financial reporting process, audit process, company’s system of internal controls, compliance to laws and regulations and other related process, with specific reference to operation of its Mutual Fund business.

RBI Statement on Developmental and Regulatory Policies

Banks in India are allowed to undertake transactions in the offshore Foreign Currency Settled Overnight Indexed Swap (FCS-OIS) market with non-residents and other market makers. Banks may participate through their branches in India, their foreign branches or through their IFSC Banking Units.