CBDT Introduces Document Identification Number System

The Central board of Direct Taxes on 1st October, 2019 launched a computer generated Document Identification Number (DIN) to ensure greater transparency and accountability in tax administration. On the first day of systems implementation, nearly 17, 500 communications haven been generated with DIN.

Any communication from Income Tax Department without a computer generated DIN, be it a notice, letter, order and summon or any other correspondence, would be treated as invalid and shall be deemed as if it has never been issued. The system of attaching a DIN to every notice or communication of CBDT will result in better services to taxpayers without any possible harassment.

All communications with DIN would be verifiable on the e-filing portal and no communication would be issued manually without DIN except only if it is in the specified exceptional circumstances. In such exceptional circumstances whenever any such manual communication is issued, it is necessary to specify the reason of issuing such a communication without DIN along with the date of obtaining written approval of the Chief Commissioner/Director General of Income Tax .

CBDT has specified that any communication issued manually under exceptional circumstances would have to be uploaded and regularised on the system portal within 15 days of its issuance.

CBDT further stated that all pending assessment proceedings, where notices were earlier issued manually, prior to the DIN related Circular dated August 14, 2019 coming into existence, all such cases would be identified and notices so sent would be uploaded on ITBA (Income Tax Business Application) by the end of this month, i.e., by October 31, 2019.

Click here to read press release.