DGFT operationalised new online IT Module for Interest Equalisation Scheme w.e.f. April 01, 2022.

The Directorate General of Foreign Trade vide its notification dated 15th March 2022, has decided to operationalise a new online module for filing of electronic registration for Interest Equalisation Scheme w.e.f. 1st April 2022.

All exporters seeking benefit under the Interest Equalisation Scheme need to apply online by navigating to the DGFT website (https://dgft.gov.in) – Services – Interest Equalisation Scheme. A Unique IES Identification Number (UIN) will get generated automatically which is required to be submitted to the concerned bank when availing Interest Equalisation against their pre and post shipment rupee export credit applications.

The UIN generated shall have a validity of 1 year from the date of registration, during which an application for availing benefit of IES can be submitted to the concerned bank. The auto generated Acknowledgement containing UIN number need to be submitted to the concerned bank along with the prescribed application by the bank, if any, for availing benefit under IES.

Further, it is mandatory for exporters to submit UIN acknowledgment to concerned bank for all applications made on or after 01.04.2022.