FSSAI directs E-commerce food businesses to declare to license authorities their abstinence from advertisement or sale of alcoholic beverages online

The FSSAI has issued a Circular dated 15 November 2019 directing E-commerce businesses that intend to sell liquor or alcoholic food beverages online to submit for Non-Objection Certificate from Excise department of concerned states. Other E-commerce food businesses are directed to file self-declaration to license authorities that they’ll abstain from advertisement or sale of liquor or alcoholic food beverages online.

The FSSAI has been informed that many license authorities have received applications for license for online sale of liquor and alcoholic beverages as it is covered under food category 14. Relying on the judgement of Karnataka High Court that online sale of liquor cannot be carried out without enabling provisions in State Excise Legislation, the FSSAI clarifies that no E-sale of Alcohol is to be licensed by authorities without permit of Excise Authority of the concerned state.