NSE issues circular on use of digital signature certificate for announcements submitted by listed companies.

The National Stock Exchange on 2nd August 2022, has notified the steps taken by SEBI for the usage of digital signature certification for authentication/certification of filings/submissions made to Stock Exchanges.

 In accordance with Regulation 10 of SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (LODR), all listed companies are required to file the reports, statements, documents, filings and any other information with the recognized Stock Exchange(s) on the electronic platform as specified by the Board or the recognized Stock Exchange(s). Accordingly, the Exchange has provided electronic platform viz. National Stock Exchange Electronic Application Processing System (NEAPS) and the Digital Portal for listed companies to file the above documents. The Exchange has provided unique User Id and Password to listed companies to access the said electronic portals.

Further, based on the advantages of using digital signature certifications for authentication of documents/filings, Stock Exchanges, in consultation with each other and SEBI, have decided to make it mandatory to file announcements under various SEBI Regulations using digital signature certification to the Stock Exchange except for following disclosures/events:

  • Outcome of Board meeting which includes only financial result.
  • Any disclosure in which document(s) issued by entity/ies other than listed company is/are included (For e.g., Auditors certificate, NCLT / other court’s order, Credit Rating, etc.)
  • Newspaper advertisement.
  • Any other disclosure(s) as specified by Stock Exchanges from time to time