CEA Provides Key Feedback on CERC’s New Draft Amendments for Electricity Trading

The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has submitted its comments on the Draft Order in Suo-Motu Petition No. 8/SM/2024 issued by the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) on October 4, 2024.
Overall, the CEA’s comments emphasize the need for standardized contracts, increased transparency, and improved competition in the short-term power market.

National Electricity Plan Volume II – Transmission

The plan outlines the development of the transmission system, including inter-state and intra-state transmission lines and substations. The plan also outlines the roadmap for future transmission system development, considering factors like renewable energy integration, electrification of transportation, and industrial growth.

CEA Approves Two New Pumped Storage Projects in Maharashtra

CEA aims to approve at least two PSPs per month in 2024-25. The target for 2024-25 is to approve 15 PSPs with a combined capacity of 25,500 MW. CEA has also introduced an online portal, “Jalvi-store,” to streamline the processing of PSPs. Certain chapters of the DPRs have been eliminated to expedite the approval process.

Report On Status Of Metering In The Country as on 31st March 2024

The CEA has prepared a report on the status of consumer metering, feeder metering, and distribution transformer (DT) metering as of March 31, 2024. The report reveals that while progress has been made, there is still a need for further expansion of metering infrastructure to achieve optimal efficiency and reliability in the power sector.

Central Electricity Authority Issues Advisory on Transmission Line Safety

The advisory emphasizes the importance of rigorous and regular Operations & Maintenance (O&M) programs for transmission lines. These measures should not only protect the infrastructure but also ensure the safety of people, wildlife, and plant life. The CEA requests that companies submit action-taken reports or compliance reports to cea-eidivision@gov.in.