Delhi Govt. publishes Ministry of Finance OM on Non-Productivity Linked Bonus
It may be recalled that OM of the Ministry of Finance issued an Office Memorandum dated October 17, 2023 in regard to sanction of the grant of Non-Productivity Linked Bonus (Ad-hoc Bonus). This bonus shall be equivalent to 30 days emoluments for the accounting year 2022-23 to the Central Government employees.
Department of Food and Public Distribution organises a National Seminar on Rice Fortification
The seminar provided a platform for multi-stakeholder discussions. Alongside government representatives, technical experts from institutions and academia shared insights on various aspects of the rice fortification program.
MoP amends the Guidelines for Encouraging Competition in Development of Transmission Projects
The MoP now tasks the National Committee on Transmission (NCT) to allocate the task of carrying out survey report of transmission projects to the respective Bid Process Coordinators (BPCs). Prior to this amendment , the NCT would allocate the task of preparing survey report by maintaining a roster amongst agencies namely Central Transmission Utility (CTU) & BPCs.
State Governments to continuously monitor the stock and prices of Tur and Urad
In the meeting, the state governments were asked to continuously monitor the prices and verify the stock positions of stock-holding entities and take strict action on those who violated the stock limits order.
Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement of Firm and Dispatchable Power from Grid Connected Renewable Energy Power Projects with Energy Storage Systems
The guidelines specifically focus on the procurement of firm and dispatchable power from grid-connected RE power projects. The scope of these guidelines extends to the long-term procurement of firm and dispatchable power by Procurers, such as DISCOMs, from Renewable Power Projects through competitive bidding.
Sustainability of Fish Meal Industry and the Livelihoods of Fishermen
In the webinar, the Joint Secretary (IF), DoF (GOI) highlighted that about 70 % of fish and crustaceans produced in aquaculture are fed with protein-rich feed wherein fish meal act as key ingredient.
NPPA fixes the Retail Price of 23 New Drugs
The National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) has fixed the retail price of 23 formulations under Drugs (Price Control) order 2013. The price so fixed is exclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST). The order for fixation of price was issued on 8th June, 2023.
Draft Guidelines on Management of Pyro-metallurgical Slags (Iron & Steel Plants)
These draft guidelines are prepared to deal with the handling and management of slags generated from pyrometallurgical operations in Iron & Steel Industries and Copper Smelters.
Draft Guidelines on Management of Pyro-metallurgical Slags (Copper Smelters)
The present draft guidelines are prepared to deal with the handling and management of slags generated from pyro-metallurgical operations in Copper Smelters. The CPCB has invited feedback / comments by email to /
Surrogacy (Regulation) Amendment Rules, 2023
The Amendment Rules include a new clause in the Surrogacy Rules. The addition of this clause aims to define the term “Couple of Indian Origin” in the context of surrogacy arrangements in India.