Tamil Nadu Factories Rules amended

The Labour and Employment Department of Tamil Nadu, through a Notification dated 23rd July, 2019 has issued amendments to the Tamil Nadu Factories Rules, 1950 (“Rules”).

The Amendment has been brought in sub-rule 6(A) of Rule 4 and Rule 7 which specifies the Registration and grant of license for a factory and Renewal of licence, respectively.

Sub Rule 6-A 

The Occupier of a factory may opt to remit the licence fees for obtaining initial licence or renewal of licence for a period up to fifteen consecutive calendar years, instead of getting it renewed for every calendar year. Earlier, remittance of licence fee was allowed up to 10 years. Occupier shall make a specific request in Form No. 2 indicating the number of years for which licence is sought for. In such cases the fees payable for the grant or renewal of licence to a factory shall be proportionate to the annual fees as per the Schedule multiplied by the number of years for which the licence is sought for.

Rule 7  

Rule 7 specifies the procedure for renewal of licence. In the second proviso to sub-rule (3), the expression “fifteen consecutive calendar years” has been substituted instead of “ten consecutive calendar years”. Renewal can be obtained for 15 years.

Click here to read amendment.