The government of Tamil Nadu has issued guidelines on restarting factories involving hazardous process post lockdown

The Directorate of Industrial Safety and health of Tamil Nadu has issued certain guidelines and directives to be followed by all factories registered under the Factories Act, 1948. Factories handling hazardous process / dangerous operations are instructed to follow the procedures while restarting the plants/processes without prejudice to the provisions of Factories Act 1948 and other applicable laws for the time being in force.

All potential hazards involved in the start-up process shall be identified with respect to the materials, machinery, and process and Safe Operating Procedure (SOP) shall be prepared and strictly followed. The operators shall be trained in the operating procedures and equipment control shall be engaged during the start-up process under the strict supervision of designated Safety Officers / competent persons.

Further, the workers must be provided with personal protective equipment suitable to the working environment and all types of storage tanks shall be checked for safety in terms of temperature, pressure and physical conditions and the utility equipment like Boilers, Gensets, Cooling Tower, Air Compressor, etc., shall be checked through a trial run and the process shall be restarted after ensuring their safe operation.

Click here to read the Notification.