The Special Economic Zones (Amendment) Rules, 2022.

The Ministry of Commerce and Industry vide its notification dated 8th April 2022, has published the Special Economic Zones (Amendment) Rules, 2022 to further amend the Special Economic Zones Rules, 2006.

The amendment is brought under rule 41(1) which deals with sub-contracting in which the second proviso has been substituted as follows:

“Provided further that in case of gems and jewellery unit, the semi-finished goods, precious metals and any other raw material (excluding diamonds or precious and semi-precious stones or lab grown diamonds) taken outside the Special Economic Zone for sub-contracting of studding by the unit shall be brought back into the unit within forty-five days.

Further under rule 42 which deals with Procedure for sub-contracting in Domestic Tariff Area or in a Unit in other Special Economic Zones or in Export Oriented Unit or in Electronic Hardware Technology Park Unit or in Software Technology Park Unit or Bio-technology Park Unit or sub-contracting abroad in which the following proviso has been substituted:

The goods sent out for sub-contracting shall be returned to the Unit within one hundred and twenty days from the date of removal or within such period as may be extended by the Specified Officer for reasons to be recorded in writing for granting such extension;

Provided further that in case of gems and jewellery unit, the semi-finished goods, precious metals and any other raw material (excluding diamonds or precious and semi-precious stones or lab grown diamonds) taken outside the Special Economic Zone for sub-contracting of studding by the unit shall be brought back into the unit within forty-five days;”