Annual General Body Meeting of Tiger Reserves of Tamil Nadu

Tamil Nadu has set up Tiger Conservation Foundation Trusts (TCFT) in all the Tiger Reserves in the State to support the management of tiger reserves, with the goal of conserving tigers and their habitats. The trust activities revolve around preserving the biodiversity and natural resources of the tiger reserves and promoting eco-development initiatives that involve local communities. Annual General body meeting was conducted by Tamil Nadu Government on the date of 08.11.2023.

The Tiger Conservation Foundations aim to provide financial and technical assistance to tiger reserve management for implementing tiger conservation plans, mobilizing resources for tiger habitat conservation, promoting eco-tourism and eco-development, raising public awareness about the importance of tigers and their habitats, supporting research and monitoring activities related to tigers and their habitats, and collaborating with other stakeholders for effective management of the tiger reserve. The Tiger Conservation Foundations generate their own income from activities such as eco-tourism, entry fees, souvenir sales, donations, etc. The Trusts utilize these funds for various purposes, such as habitat improvement, wildlife protection, research and monitoring, capacity building, awareness generation, livelihood enhancement, conflict mitigation, and infrastructure development.

The Honourable Minister (Forests) chaired the meetings duly attended by Members of the Legislative Assembly and nominated representatives of local communities, non-governmental organisations, and experts who participated in the meeting. The members shared their views and suggestions for the improvement of the reserves and the dependent local communities.