Government of Goa issues ‘Self Certification Scheme’ for the Factories covered under The Factories Act, 1948.

The State Government of Goa vide its gazette notification dated 21st  May 2020, has issued a Self-Certification Scheme for the Factories covered under the Factories Act, 1948 and the Rules made thereunder. The scheme shall be in force from 21st May 2020.

This scheme shall be available to all the factories registered under either section 2(m) (i) or section 2(m) (ii) of the factories act which defines factories or covered under section 85 which gives power to the State Government to apply the Act to certain premises. However this scheme shall not be applicable to factories categorized as “major accident hazards (MAH) installations” as defined under clause (ja) of rule 2 of the Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989.

The scheme is voluntary in nature and therefore the factory may exercise the option of joining the scheme. The Occupier may opt for this scheme at any time in a calendar year by submitting an application in Form – I an undertaking in the prescribed proforma to the Chief Inspector of Factories and Boilers along with processing fees. Once the occupier opts for the scheme, it shall be valid for five calendar years including the calendar year in which the scheme has been opted for.

The objective of this scheme is to reduce visits of the Inspectors for inspection of factories without compromising on safety, health, and welfare of workers and it shall remove the requirement of maintaining various registers and submission of returns in a hard format on a periodical basis.

After being enrolled for the scheme, the occupier/manager of the factory shall file the Returns in online mode through the Goa Online e-District portal.

Click here to read the Notification.


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