National framework for promoting energy storage systems

Government of India has issued a national framework for promoting energy storage systems. Objectives of the ESS Framework includes the following:

  1. To have 24×7 dispatchable RE power i.e., RE-RTC (Renewable Energy- Round the Clock)
  2. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce overall costs of energy by incentivizing the deployment of ESS and reducing the need for fossil fuel power plants.
  3. To support the development and deployment of ESS through policy and regulatory measures, financial and fiscal incentives, and performance-based incentives.
  4. To redesign energy markets to incentivize participation of ESS in the markets and to establish market mechanisms through introduction of products, and compensation methods for storage services.
  5. To improve grid stability and reliability through deployment of ESS that provides grid services such as frequency regulation, voltage support, ramping, and other ancillary support services.
  6. To promote energy independence and resiliency through deployment of ESS in remote or islanded communities.
  7. To foster innovation and research for improving the performance, safety, and cost effectiveness of energy storage technologies and development of new energy storage technologies.
  8. To develop technical standards for ESS to ensure safety, reliability, and interoperability with the grid.
  9. To promote equitable access to energy storage by all segments of the population regardless of income, location, or other factors.
  10. To monitor and evaluate the performance and impact of ESS, and to provide feedback for
    making policy and investment decisions.