New COVID-19 vaccines operational guidelines

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on 28.12.2020 has issued the COVID-19 vaccines operational guidelines which provides for the Co-WIN (COVID -19 Vaccine Intelligence Network) which has been developed as an extension of the existing electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network (eVIN) module for it to be a comprehensive cloud-based IT solution for planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of COVID-19 vaccination in India.

The Co-WIN system is an end to end solution that has utilities for the entire public health system from national up to the vaccinator level. The system allows for creation of users (admins, supervisors, vaccinators), registration of beneficiaries (bulk upload and individual registration), facilities/planning unit and session sites followed by planning and scheduling sessions and implementation of vaccination process. Co-WIN system on a real time basis will track not only the beneficiaries but also the vaccines, at national, state and district level.