The Haryana Government amended the Scheme relating to “Backward and Forward Linkages Scheme”

The Haryana Government’s Industries and Commerce Department recently made significant amendments to the “Backward and Forward Linkages Scheme” on June 2, 2023. These changes, which have been approved by the Chief Minister’s Office (CMM), aim to revolutionize the processed food industry in the state. By creating a robust and efficient supply chain, the government aims to bridge existing gaps and promote the overall growth and profitability of the industry.

The primary objective of the “Backward and Forward Linkages Scheme” is to establish a comprehensive and efficient supply chain for the processed food industry in Haryana. The scheme emphasizes two crucial aspects: backward integration and forward integration. By integrating farmers, processors, and the market, the government aims to enhance the industry’s efficiency and profitability. Additionally, the scheme ensures that farmers receive fair and remunerative prices for their produce, further incentivizing their participation in the processed food sector.

The recent amendments to the scheme have brought about significant changes that open up new opportunities for projects in the processed food industry. The revision primarily focuses on the clause titled “Introduction and Pattern of Assistance,” while leaving the rest of the scheme unchanged.

Previously, the scheme allowed a maximum of 20 projects to avail the incentives during the policy period of 5 years from the date of its notification. However, with the latest amendment, the number of eligible projects has been substantially increased to 45. Similarly, under the “Pattern of Assistance” clause, the maximum number of projects eligible for incentives has been raised from 20 to 25 during the policy period. This modification ensures that a greater number of projects can access the financial and other forms of assistance provided by the scheme, further encouraging investment and innovation within the industry.

Implications and Benefits

The increased number of eligible projects signifies expanded opportunities and a more inclusive approach. With a larger pool of participants, the industry is expected to witness enhanced competitiveness, improved product quality, and increased productivity. Furthermore, the scheme’s emphasis on backward integration encourages closer collaboration between farmers and processors. This integration leads to a more streamlined supply chain, reduces wastage, and promotes sustainable agricultural practices. By aligning the interests of farmers, processors, and the market, the government aims to create a cohesive ecosystem that benefits all stakeholders involved.