Vehicle Scrapping Policy formulated for creation of an ecosystem to phase out unfit and polluting vehicles in an environment friendly manner

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has formulated the Voluntary Vehicle Fleet Modernization Program (V-VMP) or Vehicle Scrapping Policy for creation of an ecosystem to phase out unfit and polluting vehicles in an environment friendly manner. Under this policy, eligibility of vehicles to ply on roads is determined as follows:

  1. For private vehicles, based on their fitness status, as certified by the Automated Testing Stations (ATS) established in accordance with GSR 652(E) dated 23.09.2021 (subsequently amended vide GSR 797(E) dated 31.10.2022).
  2. As per the provisions of G.S.R. 29(E) dated 16th January 2023, Certificate of registration of vehicles owned by the Government shall expire after a period of 15 years from initial registration. Such vehicles are to be scrapped at Registered Vehicles Scrapping Facilities (RVSFs) established in accordance with GSR 653(E) dated 23.09.2021 (subsequently amended vide GSR 695(E) dated 13.09.2022).

As per the provisions of the Vehicle Scrapping Policy, State Governments are empowered to issue Registration Certificate for Automated Testing Stations and Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facilities. The owner or operator of any automated testing station shall be the State Government or any company or association or body of individuals or individual or special purpose vehicle either directly or through Public Private Partnership.


Digital Brand Identity Manual

The DBIM defines key elements of a consistent digital identity, including visual identities such as logos, color palettes, typography, and imagery, as well as verbal

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