Central Government lays down conditions for employing contract labourers in mines

The Central Government vide order dated 18th February, 2022 has allowed various coal companies under the aiges of Coal India Ltd., namely, the Eastern Coalfields Ltd, Sanctoria; Central Coalfields Limited, Ranchi; Bharat Coking Coal Ltd, Dhanbad; Western Coalfields Ltd, Nagpur; South Eastern Coalfields Limited, Bilaspur; Northern Coalfields Limited,
Singhaurali; and Mahanadi Coalfields Limited, Sambalpur, to employ contract labourers subject to the following conditions, namely:-
(i) the interest of the workmen engaged in the above mentioned works be protected;
(ii) such workmen be paid wages and other benefits as per the recommendations of the High Powered Committee
appointed by the Coal India Limited, Ministry of Coal, Government of India and the rates notified by the Coal
India Limited from time to time;
(iii) the Central Advisory Contract Labour Board will have the right to inspect the establishment to ensure and
check whether such wages and benefits are given to such workers in Various Coal Company;
(iv) the Management of Various Coal Company shall ensure that whenever there is a change of contract, existing
contract workmen who are working may be given preference in employment by the incoming contractor,
subject to satisfactory performance of duties;
(vi) the contractor, as well as the Principal Employer, shall ensure payment of the said High Powered Committee
wages, which increases every six months, and also other benefits as per the provisions of the Mines Act, 1952
(vii) the contract workers shall be covered under the provisions of the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 and
(viii) the contract workers shall be paid bonus and leave with wages as per the provisions of the Mines Act.