Chief Minister of Goa attends Utkarsh Scholarship Programs

The Chief Minister awarded scholarships to students initiated by Vedanta through ‘Utkarsh Scholarship Program’ as part of community development initiatives. Chief Minister, congratulated all students who have achieved this scholarship through their merit and hard work. “It is heartening to witness Vedanta consistently dedicating itself to supporting those in need through diverse community outreach programs such as Utkarsh Scholarship which exemplify vedants commitment to contributing to the development of a prosperous nation. In today’s highly competitive world, abundant opportunities a wait individuals equipped with the right skill sets, making it necessary to strive for excellence and pursue higher-quality education. I encourage the residents of Goa to capitalize on the maximum benefits offered by various government scholarship schemes” This Notification was published on the date of 28.12.2023.

The company supported 69 meritorious deserving students in Goa who will now be able to pursue higher professional studies with support of Vedanta Utkarsh Scholarship program. Vedanta Utkarsh Scholarship is awarded to shortlisted students especially from the economically weaker background, meritorious and who have performed well in the academics in the last three years including extra-curricular activities. Finally, they are evaluated and selected based on one-on-one interviews. The aim of the program is to support the local talent to overcome financial shortcomings, allowing them to pursue higher studies, which could help them to secure a better career for a brighter future. The Utkarsh Scholarship program by Vedanta’s Iron Ore Business is highly appreciated by the students, parents, and school faculties.