Ministry of shipping notifies guidelines for floating jetties or platforms.

The Ministry of Ports, Shipping, and Waterways vide its notification dated 3rd February 2021 has published guidelines for floating jetties/platforms for Marinas, Minor Harbors, Fishing Harbours, Fish landing centers, Waterdromes and such other similar facilities in coastal areas, estuaries, waterways, rivers and reservoirs.

Major highlights from the guidelines.

The guideline sets out various technical aspects for implementation of Floating Jetties / Platforms for Marinas, Minor Harbors, Fishing Harbours, Fish landing centers, Waterdromes and such other similar facilities in coastal areas, estuaries, waterways, rivers and reservoirs.

The Floating Jetties may be made of pontoons or such floating units, thus the guidelines may also be suitably utilized for floating pontoons / platforms in various waterborne systems and floating wave attenuators (or breakwaters) for Minor Harbors/Fish Landing facilities. The suitability of Floating Jetty/ platform and their broad Performance Criteria & Specifications and Loading and Stability.

A uniform survey grid shall be adopted for all terrestrial and hydrographic surveys. Consideration should be given to incorporating the survey grid for the project area into the regional coordinated survey grid, Indian Survey Grid.

Floating jetties/ platform are recommended especially in locations having a large tidal range where a conventional quay would mean the fishing boat floating many metres below the top of the quay during low tide periods.

The floating jetties/ platform may be implemented initially in India’s over-crowded fishing harbours since they are cost effective and also.