UGC guidelines for Integrating Indian Knowledge System (IKS) in Higher Education

UGC expert committee has formulated guidelines for incorporating Indian Knowledge System into the higher education curricula of our country. The purpose of these guidelines for incorporating Indian Knowledge System into higher curricula is to provide a roadmap for systematic study and research of various disciplines of IKS and provide guidelines for incorporating IKS into undergraduate and postgraduate curricula.

In line with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, there is a growing emphasis on incorporating the Indian Knowledge System (IKS) into higher education curricula. To ensure a strong foundation in the Indian context and knowledge, guidelines have been established for undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) programs. These guidelines aim to encourage students to take credit courses in IKS, highlighting its distinctive features and contemporary applications.

General Guidelines

Rooting in Indian Context: NEP 2020 emphasizes integrating curricula and pedagogy with the Indian Knowledge System. Students in UG and PG programs should take at least five percent of the total mandated credits in IKS.

Major Discipline Focus: Fifty percent of the credits allocated to IKS should relate to the student’s major discipline.

Authentic Course Materials: IKS courses must be based on authentic sources, including historical accounts, source texts, and sociological records.

Historical Continuity: Emphasize the continuity of Indian Knowledge Traditions from ancient times to the present.

Highlighting Distinctive Features: Efforts should be made to highlight the objectives, methodology, and core concepts that differentiate IKS from other knowledge traditions.

Contemporary Applications: Whenever possible, showcase contemporary applications of IKS.

Medium of Instruction: IKS courses can be taught in any Indian language approved for higher education, excluding English and Sanskrit.

Technical Terms and Citations: English transliteration and Devanagari script should be used for all technical terms and citations from Sanskrit sources in English course materials.

Guidelines for UG Programs

Mandated Credits: UG students should take a minimum of five percent of the total mandated credits in IKS. Half of these credits should be from disciplines related to their major field of specialization. Foundational Course: All UG students should complete a Foundational Course in IKS, providing an introduction to all relevant streams of IKS.

Elective Courses: Institutions should offer a variety of elective courses in IKS, allowing students to choose based on their field of specialization.

Internship and Project Work: Students may opt for internships and project work related to IKS disciplines/topics.

Indian Systems of Medicine: Medical UG students can take credit courses on Indian Systems of Medicine to gain a basic understanding of traditional healthcare practices.

Guidelines for PG Programs

Credit Requirements: PG students in arts, commerce, and sciences should complete a minimum number of credits in IKS disciplines related to their specialization.

Additional Courses: Students may opt for additional courses in IKS if they align with the requirements of their PG program.

Guidelines for Sanskrit and Indian Language Universities

Broadening Scope: Sanskrit and Indian Language Universities should develop into Universities of Indian Knowledge System while retaining their focus on Sanskrit or regional languages.

Core Courses: UG students should complete foundational and multidisciplinary courses in IKS, with a focus on manuscriptology and critical editing of texts.

Suggestions for Effective Implementation

Promoting IKS Courses: Universities should prioritize the promotion and development of UG/PG courses in IKS. Philosophical Foundation: All students should be exposed to the underlying philosophical foundation of IKS.

Faculty Training: Faculty should receive training in IKS terminology.